Sub-Jobs or Processes
You can add additional sub-jobs to a job to map other related activities that are not directly part of the campaign and to track the interdependencies between them.
Sub-jobs are a useful function for dividing complex jobs into smaller and more manageable units. They allow you to edit different aspects of a job individually and manage and control them separately. After you create a sub-job, you can edit it as you would a regular job.
A sub-job is linked directly on the data sheet of the parent job.
Ron needs to run a campaign for a fashion collection. Parallel to but independently of this, the fees are contractually agreed with the models or their agencies. Ron also needs an on-site caterer. He can organize these two processes through the use of sub-jobs.

A sub-job can use a different workflow from the parent job.
A sub-job uses its own separate data sheet.
The information and variables required for a sub-job are stored on the data sheet of that sub-job.
A sub-job can inherit and adopt values from the parent job.
The icon of a sub-job in the overview is
. The icon of a job, on the other hand, is
A sub-job appears in the job overview and in the dashboard. Except for the easily overlooked icon, it is not externally identified as a sub-job. You can customize the column view for better identification (see Adjusting the View).
You can open the data sheet of the sub-job like other jobs either directly in the job overview or in the open data sheet of the parent job in the Sub Jobs tab.

There are several options for creating sub-jobs:
With automatic sub-job creation, the sub-jobs that belong to a job are defined in advance and added automatically when the parent job is created. Users do not need to make any further settings, but can simply view and edit the sub-jobs directly in the Sub-Jobs tab.
Sub-jobs can also be created with a job. Users are then asked when creating a job whether they want to create optional sub-jobs. They can use a checkbox to select which sub-jobs they need and which they do not need.
Additional sub-jobs are those that are not fixed to the job, but can be added if needed. After clicking on the ADD SUB-JOB button in the Sub-Jobs tab, users can select from all types that have been defined as permissible sub-jobs for this job type. See Creating a Sub-Job
Optional sub-jobs are those that belong to the job type by default, but do not always have to be executed. If you are allowed to manually add sub-jobs, you can add optional sub-jobs if the parent job is already running. Users can use the Add Preconfigured Sub-Job button on the Sub-Jobs tab to add one of the sub-jobs stored for this job type with the attribute Optional Sub-Job.

In sub-jobs, you can pre-fill variables and their contents by inheriting their values from the parent job. This is defined by the administrator when a job type is created.
When opening sub-jobs, you can recognize variable contents inherited from the parent job by the icon after the variable name in the data sheet. While editing the data sheet, you can adjust the inheritance from the parent job type to the inheriting variable.
Click on
after the variable name to finish the inheritance. The last inherited or changed value in the sub-job is thereby retained, even if the value is changed again in the parent job.
Click on
to restore the inheritance. However, the entries you made while the inheritance was finished can be overwritten again if they are changed in the parent job.

Use the breadcrumb trail displayed in the upper area of an open sub-job data sheet to open the parent job data sheet.
In our example, the data sheet for the Supportive Social Media Campaign sub-job is open and above it, in small font, is the name of the parent job, Stiletto Collector’s Campaign.
Click on Stiletto Collector’s Campaign to close the sub-job and return to the data sheet of the parent job.
Conversely, you can reach the sub-jobs from the parent job by navigating to the Sub-Jobs tab. There you will find a tabular overview of the sub-jobs that is similar in structure and function to the start page of the Jobs module.