Sub-Jobs or Processes

You can add additional sub-jobs to a job to map other related activities that are not directly part of the campaign and to track the interdependencies between them.

Sub-jobs are a useful function for dividing complex jobs into smaller and more manageable units. They allow you to edit different aspects of a job individually and manage and control them separately. After you create a sub-job, you can edit it as you would a regular job.

A sub-job is linked directly on the data sheet of the parent job.

Ron needs to run a campaign for a fashion collection. Parallel to but independently of this, the fees are contractually agreed with the models or their agencies. Ron also needs an on-site caterer. He can organize these two processes through the use of sub-jobs.

Prerequisites:Closed Adding sub-jobs is only possible if the underlying parent job type allows it and if the user has appropriate permissions.